Weekly & Monthly

Sacred Circles & Classes

During our welcome month, experience Sacred Circles with our Founding Matriarchs.

Pay What You Can

Suggested contribution $12 per class.

Akhanda Yoga

with Jackie Dorrian

Mondays 11:30am-1pm CT

Begins on May 13

Akhanda (Sanskrit) means whole, entire and indivisible. In this style we will practice meditation, mantra, pranayama, asana and relaxation. Each class is unique in that Jackie uses her intuition as a guide to being you a class that brings harmony and balance to our lives. Sequences are blended to work on the directional movements of the spine.

Dream Drop Inn

with Angela Grillo

Wednesdays 10:30-11:30am CT

Drop in to receive guidance, intuitive insights and fresh perspectives as we connect with our creative visions seeding in our dreams. You’re invited to dive deep through group dreamwork to meet and embody the soul message becoming conscious.

What is coming up for us collectively? What shadow aspects are hidden in the subtle underbelly of the unconscious? of our bodies? 

A Sensing Circle

with Susan Ackerman Joseph

Thursdays 11:30am-12pm CT

A Sensing Circle incorporates stillness, movement, breath, touch, expression and play to facilitate nervous system release and regulation. Based on teachings about the physiology of trauma, many of the simple techniques shared can be incorporated into your personal wellness practice.


with Julie Coren

Fridays 10:30-11:30am CT

When we enter the terrain of our bodies through subtle, sensation-based movement and receptivity practices, we enter our deepest possibility and the language of flesh and soul.

Come.  Breathe.  Feel.  Sense.  Imagine.  And Receive. 

Please join me for this nourishing one-hour weekly class in which we will cultivate our own personal practice of subtle movement, sensation tracking, and relationship building with the depths of who we are.

Emotional Freedom Meditation

with Holly Liner

Tuesday, June 4 & 18 @ 8:30-9am

Thursday, June 13 @ 5-6 pm CT

Together, we will create a container of compassion through heart activation breathing, mindfulness, and somatic therapy. Using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) as a self-healing modality, release stuck emotions, encourage healthy emotional flow, and re-pattern the brain-body connection as it relates to emotional response.

This practice will reduce emotional stress, open insights into the self and perceptions, and improve the stress response to emotional triggers as they arise in the future.

Herbal Allies for Seasonal Wellness

with Leah Vautrot

Saturday, May 18 @ 11am-12pm CT

Dive into the world of herbal wellness designed to align your health with the rhythm of the seasons. In this hour-long journey, you'll discover how to harness the power of seasonal herbs to boost your immune system, enhance your mood, and maintain optimal wellness all year round. Unlock the secrets of nature's pharmacy and transform your wellness practice with the changing seasons.

Fireside Astrology

with Jodi Perrodin

Beginning in June…

Remember who you are. Realize who you are becoming.

Explore the wisdom of your ancient soul to recognize your connection to the four elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Experience the astrological energetics of the season through planet and sign archetypal discussion, music, meditation, continuous writing, and the witnessing of one another’s journeys.  This circle will be an immersive, connected experience where all are welcome and equal. Please bring your intentional want to awaken to a deeper sense of compassion for yourself and others.